
Showing posts from June, 2024

Have a great weekend

Grants Pass wins

Panic attack

The follies begin

Back on the block

And another one gets Sushi-ed

Remedial leading

"Gifts," my eye

News from Skinner's Mudhole

Have a great weekend

Dysfunction at the junction

A sigh of relief

Was the Measure 110 repeal fake?

A giant among Giants

It grows on trees

Here's to your health

Movement of the people

Another bad penny

Have a great weekend

Don't let it fall on me

A familiar aroma

Great year for these ladies

They got to keep the money

Lather, rinse, repeat

Chipper times in the Hamptons

What? No vandalism?

Another quick draw in Clark County

There they go again

For what it's worth


Goliath d. David, 6-2, 6-1

Have a great weekend

Getting nowhere fast

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