We'll always have the boof guide

I see that the director of the Multnomah County health department, Jessica Guernsey, has resigned effective December 21. She says she needs to spend time with family. 

She's had plenty of it since July. That's when the county chair, Jessica "Chevy" Vega Pederson, was embarrassed by the revelation that the county's "harm reduction" program was handing out tinfoil and straws to street junkies for smoking fentanyl. Included in the revelations was the outrageous news that the county had paid money for the rights to a guide to "boofing," a process whereby one ingests street drugs anally.

Now, remember, Vega P. was in on this program all along, but when the reporters started asking about it, she got all red in the face and put it on hold; her word-salad shooter generated a statement saying that Guernsey and her staff hadn't done enough "outreach." Next thing you know, Guernsey needed to spend more time with her family. Hmmm.

As the O story on her resignation points out (alas, behind the Paywall of Pity) the county has had seven different health department directors in fewer than that many years. During that time, there have been five behavioral health directors and four public health directors. Vacant positions in the county health department now stand at something like 18 percent of all positions.

Can you say "mismanagement"? Of course, a lot of the dysfunction arose during the reign of Deadly Deborah, the Latest Kafoury, but JVP's leadership, now in its 11th month, has no doubt made it worse. In the article, she's still talking out of both sides of her mouth regarding "harm reduction." Nobody seems to know what the heck is going on. Meanwhile, Portland's reputation as a destination resort for addicts grows stronger by the day.

Portland could have had an actual doctor, Sharon Meieran, as the county chair. Instead the voters insisted on buying a Vega. Already the bumpers are falling off. 


  1. She resigned the same day The Lund Report published their article about how dangerous and mismanaged the Multnomah county drug diversion program is. I can't easily find an org chart for Multnomah County so I don't know if Jessica was connected to that. I could find that a lot of Jessica's public statements were about harm reduction, so I suspect so.

    1. Yes: https://www.bojack2.com/2023/11/another-epic-bungle-at-multnomah-county.html

  2. Suppose I suggested that Local bureaucrats were selected using a twenty first century version of the “old boys network”. Would I be chastised if I asked if employment standards were applied to the applicants.

  3. These yahoos are using harm reduction the wrong way. Harm reduction used to refer to handing out clean needles to IV drug addicts to stop them from sharing needles and potentially spreading HIV. No one is going to get that from sharing a straw to inhale meth or fentanyl. The fact that they insist on calling their enabling “harm reduction” is beyond ridiculous.

    1. Not enough talk about the folks that make the rounds handing out needles and other paraphernalia being responsible for the used needles that litter the streets and parks.

  4. I'm betting that Guernsey received a large sum of money from the County in exchange for signing a non-disclosure agreement that prohibits her from talking about her experiences there.

  5. Well at least our taxpayer dollars bought some comic relief for once. She brought the term “boofing” into our public lexicon. You can’t put a dollar amount on that, and for that I shall always be thankful.

    1. Hear, hear. It goes in the Multnomah County history books right after "Klingon interpreter."

    2. I heard it first during the inquiry into Kegs Kavanaugh’s assault on his teen schoolmate.

  6. Can’t believe we still have over three years of JVP in power. Time for a massive recall of JVP.

  7. The Mieran missed opportunity is a real bummer…
    …the loudest voices with the glossy ads that know the least get in.

    ‘Come to your senses and get someone in elected in there who isn’t a bum who can go back to being a director/doc & do what’s right / short term unpopular and maybe lose the next election, but is old enough to have been around the block some but not so ancient exactly thst theyre a Bidenesque war criminal or Dixiecrat Feinstein type ancient awful half-senile mummy POS with opportunistic awful staffers who at best knows how the system works, but also knows the wheels are coming off and that they’ll be dead, eating pudding &/or on the golf course by the time that happens.

    Rare to find someone (especially on the D or liberal side) that’s capable, isn’t ancient and will push something thru competently without being a total sellout that isn’t a bum just hanging around…


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