Time draws nigh for the underdogs

Here we are, Sunday morning, and it reminds me, it's time to get serious about this year's charity pro football underdog game on this blog. The NFL season starts this coming Thursday night, and a week from today, the Big Daddies will really be going at it in the afternoon heat.

The underdog game is an entertaining way to keep up on American pro football, but more importantly, an easy way to give 25 bucks to charity while you're at it. We've been playing this game for more than a decade, and thousands of dollars have gone to charity as a result.

Here's how it works: Each week, each player chooses one underdog team to win its game outright. If the player's underdog wins, the player earns the number of points that the underdog was predicted to lose by. At the end of the 21-week season, the players with the most points (the top two or three, depending on the size of the pool) get to say which eligible charities get the money in the pot. The higher in the standings they end up, the more dough the top players get to direct. It's all about bragging rights and feeling good.

The complete official rules are here. All proceeds go to charity, including a little contribution by me (I don't play). 

The lines for the week are posted on this blog early each week, and the standings are also posted after each week's games are over. For example, last year's final results were posted here.

If you're intrigued, please read the rules, and if you want to play, send me a note right away to that effect at dogpdx24@gmail.com. I'll get right back to you with instructions on where your entry fee should be sent. 

The deadline for paying is Wednesday September 11, but we start playing this coming week, and you can try out the game for free the first week.

A half-dozen players have signed and paid already, including one spritely first-time entrant, but we need as many players as we can get so that the charities cash in well when the season is over come mid-winter. If you don't know your 'dogs from a hole in the ground, think about sponsoring a friend who does. 'Dogs rule! 


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