Groundhog Night

To no one's surprise, the Portland State "student" demonstrations have morphed into a mob roaming the streets of downtown Portland breaking windows and spray-painting property. And also on cue, "class struggle" is now on the agenda as well. Soon "abolish the police" and "abolish prisons" will be added, no doubt.

It's the same old crowd of anarchist black-bloc-heads pulling the same old shinola. We're on year 5 now. It's gotten old.

But this time around, our goldbrick district attorney, Mikey Schmdit, is quick to make a speech about how "this will not be tolerated." That's right, son, soon it won't be; you will be out of office in eight months.


  1. Multnomah county needs a DA who will actually do the job. Mikey just wants to be a cool kid. It’s mostly the same people every time, so they need to be locked up for serious charges like conspiracy and racketeering.

  2. Seems more like a usual Portland issue more than the specific content?

    I do wonder how many of those blac-bloc-heads are feds?

    People in the movement often suspected that Czolgosz was a fed/Provocateur, but turns out by all accounts, just kinda nuts? Not that McKinley was any prize…

    Looking at the Columbia protests, it mostly seems to be the administrators, nervous business school type frauds and gasbag professors/usual suspects like the Victor-Davis-Hansen-lite & NYPD that’s the problem & the kids seem a lot more disciplined than I was at 19 not to take the bait/cry-bullying & concerned trolling of the Israel scumbags.

    Props to them to largely treat media, streamers, Andy Ngo, boomer and older administrators who are a bunch of failures and frauds & the like accordingly; be organized & stick to your story/have a spokesperson & don’t let the Internet snd all that mess with you/you can film from your phone just as easily right back?
    One advantage of everyone that generation being born online & able to film at any time, I guess?

    1. Typical anti-semetic BS. Up at 2AM trolling for sites to post it shouldn't be surprising since your type is typically unemployable when you're off your meds and don't have a job to go to or a life in the real world.

    2. You're insane!

    3. Idk when the comments actually publish?

      All the boomer and older crowd is baying for another Kent state, apparently?

      Sure you guys had some decent music, but maybe it’s the same old blood soaked empire as ever and you didn’t really stop the Vietnam war/the north Vietnamese kinda did that, actually & your parents had too many of you we now have to deal with (not that they had birth control &/or knew what the environmental & demographic impact would be back then )?

      Funny how you guys have no argument, so then the police get brought down hard…

      Each day that passes, even though these things are cyclical & what once was new and cutting edge/monied students at places like Columbia tend to have material comfort and politics fairly similar to their parents in time, despite this, idk that as many people are falling for the academia pyramid scheme nor believe or have any connection to the Israel nation-building cause/believe in the project anymore if <~age 45?

    4. I'm sick of the boomer bashing. I have marched for Civil Rights, against the Vietnam war, for Aids Awareness, against every war. There are plenty of older people who So sick of you younger fools discrediting us. What, you didn't get a trophy for existing?

  3. I’ll also add that a lot of Columbia kids are pretty well off (not all, obviously) & when conspiracy theories about this circulate about ‘who’s funding this’ I often revert to Occam's Razor & the cost/demographics or the place; ‘uhh, their parents?’

  4. I’m sure that the information on the funding is discoverable. Maybe some enterprising “journalist” will look into it and cure the conspiracy talk.

    1. The best way to control the opposition is run it. Old playbook that still works.

  5. Election year and DPO's Brownshirts are out parading.

  6. Portlandia mother of the poor man's Kristallnacht

  7. In other news:

    "98-year-old Portland fountain donated by Jewish immigrant vandalized"

  8. 15 PPB cars burned last night. Broken windows and graffiti downtown. Graduations being cancelled. Masks. It’s 2020 again!

    1. Well, I hope the graduating seniors forward all the news coverage of the wanton vandalism and black-bloc-head violence to their parents (who are probably footing the bill).

      I wish there was a way to report these azz-hats to the organizations that are underwriting their student loans.

  9. According to KGW today:

    "Overnight, PSU President Ann Cudd said she'd reached a deal with representatives for protesters inside the library. According to Cudd, about 50 students agreed to the deal and left the library. But an unknown number of protesters remained, including non-students, according to Cudd."

    The students need to be expelled and then jailed without bail and prosecuted. The non-students need to be jailed without bail and prosecuted. Concurrently, the State needs to get involved to investigate these violent "protest" groups for racketeering and conspiracy.

    These people are nothing short of the plague. They need to be dealt with in the strictest, harshest, most-unforgiving manner. Maybe they'll get the message after they get to breathe fresh air again.

    1. I sincerely hope that Mr Vasquez, in his capacity as the Multnomah County DA, sees things the way you do... Mikey will let them all off the hook even though he's "united".

    2. 22 arrests...of which 7 were PSU students.

  10. Those MAGA goons are making a mess around the country

  11. Look, the #s are the #, you poll people <~age 40, and while they may not be full-on ‘Israel is malignant/trains our cops in the worst ways that are a major threat to us’-pilled, the appetite for any pro-Israel unconditional aid/$, military adventures &/or support for the legacy politicians and media is pretty stark and getting moreso every day.

    It’s really just all you old senile genocideaires and total failures in your day to steer the blood soaked imperial state in any positive direction that show your colors on this issue as you continue to hang onto the levers of power with your bony arthritic fingers…

    1. You forget where your meds are and not take them?

    2. I'll stack my "bony, arthritic fingers" up against your mush for brains anytime, anyplace. It's your at bat, slugger...

    3. The professional protistas don’t seem to be able to take “No” for an answer.

      From OLive this evening:

      “ By early evening, a small group of people worked to re-establish an encampment at Millar Library’s main entrance, pulling a newly erected chain-link fence closer to the building, draping it with tarps and moving plywood to erect a new barrier. Inside the library, people could be seen moving past some of the five-story building’s windows, but it wasn’t clear how many had entered the library.”

  12. Portland is the prime example of what results from Democrats getting everything they want while insisting the whole country must too. Total long term, total Democrat control and implementation of every idea they dream up is clearly destructive.


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