Another round

It's protest time again in Portland. We will not be out-demonstrated. I'm a little surprised it's taken this long to get the latest festivities started. And many of the demonstrators are camping in tents, which makes it especially intriguing, given that if you're an addict just in from some other town, tents are okay just about anywhere in Portland. So how is the city going to distinguish the ticked-off collegians from the wacked-out fetty freaks?

They say these are student protests, and they might be, mostly, for the moment, but it doesn't take an elephant's memory to recall that Portland always has plenty of anarchists on location, looking for a grievance and an excuse to break stuff. At the moment, it's ostensibly all about Gaza, but I'd be surprised if within a short time the list of demands dosen't include "abolish the police," "land back," etc., if not that Rose City favorite "end civ."

It will be interesting, and not in a good way, to see how far the various university suits are willing to let things go. When the campers start disrupting graduation ceremonies and admissions visits, they start to hit the bottom line. That in turn gets the top brass' attention in a big way.

And what will the cops do if they are called in to evict the trespassers? Usually, once that happens, a whole slew of new grievances get added to the original list. What the police did to the protesters becomes an additional ground for outrage. 

I don't know about the rest of the country, but this is just about the last thing Portland needs at this moment. Let's hope that nobody gets hurt, and that this latest protest season blows over quickly.


  1. When you see graffiti stating.

    "We need to tear this down to start over"

    I do not expect a good outcome from the professional protesting "Left."

    1. I wish someone would put effort into following the money that’s backing the local follow travelers.

    2. Ah yes, those lavish tents, bedsheets and spray paint.

    3. It’s naive to assert that the money is going for tents and spray paint

    4. So I left out the Doritos and ramen. Sue me.

    5. ... lavish tents, bedsheets, and spray paint. Fool.

  2. PSU president Cudd revealed that she learned nothing from Portland’s past experience with Antifa. Trying to negotiate with mentally unwell activists who won’t take “Yes” for an answer is futile and fuels their contempt for rational discourse. With their history of trying to burn down occupied places, the move last night into the library is very troubling.

  3. President Cudd was quoted last week as saying she was “inspired” by the then small PSU gang demanding the school terminate their scholarship relationship with Boeing…….oops…….welcome to Portland Ms. Cudd, you are now officially neutered as a leader. Where are the board trustees? The buck stops with the board but expect they will remain invisible as the campus chaos explodes…..

  4. To think this could happen in Little Beirut.

  5. This is great! Wait until the legal festivities begin in November. We’ve been celebrating diversity, intersectionality, and courageous conversations for years. All will party down then when mean girls clasp hands with juvenile thuggery.

    And, to think that while we’re failing to celebrate the governor’s “wife” helping to guide our future (especially after 3 of her co-religionists resigned) now we are discouraging or impeding our youth from solidarity with those who rape the headless corpses that they have made. Thank God free elections enabled this reconquista by the Palestinians.

    I cannot wait until our children make linkage with this injustice of Jewishness in November. Most fortunate of all is the self-caponage of intolerant American males. We’re getting the Nanak we deserve.

  6. Think that I will head on down to join them. I have always wanted to play Jihadi for a day. Is food and those checkered scarfs provided?

  7. Looks like a week of rain on the way. Let the ones with student ID camp in the park blocks until they get sick of being soggy. Clear them off the library steps with firehoses as needed. Trespass the rest.

    1. Death to America? Then go to Palestine....or Yemen....or Haiti. Get away from all that distresses you here. Portland doesn't need another anarchic, destructive distraction. And you are that: a distraction, and an expensive one at that.

  8. So, with finals coming soon, no one needs the library? If I were a serious student, I'd be collaborating with some studious football players, and do some serious tackling and offensive line movement. The cafeteria wasn't available for occupation?


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