Here we go again

Long-time Portlanders try to have a sense of humor about our treacherous ice storms, and how long they take to be finally over. The weather people always underestimate how long it will take to thaw out. In general, January is the forecasters' big Month of Wrong.

But the current deep freeze is starting to get us downright cranky. After 24 hours of begrudgingly 33 degrees on the front porch, now it's back down to 32.0, and falling. And it's raining. There's still slush all over, and it's about to freeze solid, with a new layer of glaze over it.

And so it's back to the dread. The only thing left to laugh about is when they tell us it will be over tomorrow. Sure. Sure it will.


  1. One of the longest periods of below freezing temps I've experienced here in Portland in awhile. I think back in the 70's we had a two week freezing spell and I remember people skating on the Westmoreland Park casting pond.

  2. With apologies to Gordon Lightfoot:

    The legend lives on from Hood River on down
    Of the big wind that blows down the river
    Portlanders, it’s said hate to get out of bed
    When the cold freezing rain makes ‘em shiver
    With Tri-Met froze still and a glaze on Pill Hill
    The TV folks had a real winner
    They said get home at all cost or all will be lost
    And you won’t be in time for your dinner

    The weather folks claimed it would all melt away
    When the wind from the southland came creeping
    But the gorge wind was strong, the predictions all wrong
    The ice grew thicker while they were all sleeping
    Out the window looked grim chance for warming was slim
    When the cold morning light showed the carnage
    The trees were all cracked, folks went flat on their backs
    As they tried to get out with the garbage.

    There’s no telling when they will see sun again
    Tho the weather folks are still denying
    Stumptown’s heard it before and all are pretty sure
    There’s another week of slipping and sliding
    The legend lives on from Hood River on down
    Of the big wind that blows down the river
    Portlanders it’s said, hate to get out of bed
    When the cold freezing rain makes ‘em shiver


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