Satur-'dog season's greetings

We've hit that point in the American pro football season when the Big Daddies start playing on Saturday as well as on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. And players in our charity underdog game, take note: If you want any of the Saturday games as your main pick or backup pick this week, all of your selections for the week must be in to by the start of your earliest game.

Here are the Saturday 'dogs (in caps). I'll update this post with our players' picks throughout the day after each game kicks off:

5  DENVER at Detroit (Saturday, 5:15 p.m. PST) - Man Without a Plan, PDXileinOmaha, Bad Picker

3.5  MINNESOTA at Cincinnati (Saturday, 10:00 a.m. PST) - JC

Nobody picked:

2.5  PITTSBURGH at Indianapolis (Saturday, 1:30 p.m. PST)

The whole week's slate of games is here. The latest standings in our game are here. The Mortician whiffed Thursday night. Good luck to any Saturday 'doggers.

UPDATE, 2:10 p.m.: The Vikings come up short in the first game; none of our players is on the Steelers in the second.

UPDATE, 5:17 p.m.: We have three players on the night 'dog.

UPDATE, 9:02 p.m.: The underdogs go 0-3 for the day.
