Only murderers in the passenger compartment

So the Wagner guy's dead. There was a plane crash. Putin had nothing to do with it. Uh huh. Next thing you know, they'll be burying Prigozhin on Trump's golf course.

No one believes the official story about the cause of the plane crash, and rightly so. Some questions will even remain as to whether Prigozhin was actually on board. Some of his chief henchmen were supposedly with him. 

When it comes to the maniacal dictator running Russia, you never know what to believe. That's the way he likes it. So long as you're scared to cross him. Over here it's been called "alternative facts."

The media now has a nice, tidy story that's come to a conclusion, and I'm sure they'll run with it. To me, there's probably a lot more to the Wagner mutiny than meets the eye. Let's hope that it doesn't add to the horrors of the slow-motion world war in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, I saw an interesting clip on Twitter yesterday. It was the late Senator John McCain, nearly 10 years ago. That guy had a way of saying stuff that was ever so true.


  1. Putin is a psychopath and a stone cold killer. I believe that the people around him aren’t afraid of him. I think they agree with him about rebuilding the USSR.
    If the “West” doesn’t get ahead of his agenda and movements. He’ll win.

    1. Hopefully he'll be out of power (i.e., dead) before WW3 goes too much further. When he falls, the Russian government will collapse. Given their nukes, that might not be good, either.

    2. Which country has killed more innocent people for BS reasons than any other? He who has not sinned, cast the first stone.

  2. Putin played us like a bunch of morons. Reagan helped with facilitating the fall of the Russian Communist government which created more problems than it solved and aided the ex-KGB agent Putin's takeover. Thanks again Republicans.

    1. Bankers Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg bankrolled the Russian revolution and installed their own people (Lenin, Trotsky, ...). The West provided the technology (Ford and others). It was not a natural uprising against the Tsar. They killed 10s of Millions of peasants and stole all their food. And when they finally rid themselves of this western-created parasite, we expect them to play nice with the West?

  3. You should show McCain hanging with nazis in Ukraine. Songbird McCain and other despicable people, like Victoria Nuland, have been using Ukraine to force Russia to invade for decades. Along with the CIA they created the uprising in 2015 and installed their hand-picked dictator. They promised to work out a compromise with the Russian-speaking territories (Minsk treaty), but never made any attempt to do so. After several years of Ukraine bombing those territories, Russia had enough.


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