Weekend forecast: Chance of riots?

The sun is out here in greater Portlandia, and the haters of capitalism and liberalism are no doubt itching to get out in the street and destroy some stuff in the name of avenging miscellaneous societal wrongs. I'm a little surprised they haven't been doing so over the last two weekends, despite the cool and damp weather we've been having lately. 

You see, the Portland police shot and critically wounded a man in a traffic stop at Northeast 78th and Mason, in the Roseway neighborhood, two weeks ago tonight. The four cops who fired their guns in that incident have been identified, but the wounded guy hasn't been, as far as I can tell.

The lack of media attention to the case, and the lack of stormy protest over it, have been surprising. The only explanation I could give for the non-reaction was that the election was in progress, and the black-bloc crowd was on its best behavior so as not to rile up police-sympathizing voters. (As for the media, they're understaffed and fairly lazy at the same time.)

Well, if my theory about the dissidents was correct, things could heat up now that the election's over. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but the "protesters" around here do not need much of an excuse to act up, and this one seems right up their alley. The cops may be forced to get out there and earn their recent bonuses and raises over the next couple of nights.
