Round 2, 200K
The other day this blog marked six months since its resuscitation. And on that same day, it passed 200,000 page views.
When the first edition of this blog started up, the whole concept of page views and blogs was so new that I marked every milestone. In retrospect, the statistics weren't as important as I thought. What was, and is, important is connecting with people, and sharing ideas, beliefs, and perceptions.
So thanks for being here, and for contributing.
Thanks for keeping it going Jack. I was an avid reader of your old blog and was crushed (well not really) when you retired it. I happened to be doing a search one night just to read the archives and was surprised to see that you had been resurrected so to speak. Was great to read it again, and you sure have lots of good material to work with these days that’s for sure.
ReplyDeleteYes, page views are a funny thing. In some ways they are somewhat meaningless but in reality they provide validation for your hard work. I have numerous YouTube videos mainly about the vintage electronics and stuff that I collect. The ones with the highest views (over 10,000) are usually the ones I put almost zero effort into and the ones that I am proudest of and I put days of work into have almost no views at all.
ReplyDeleteI told my wife that I should start adding “naked women” into the title of the video just to get some clicks.
This blog is a lifeline to our sanity. You can sit around and let 2020 work you over or you can jump in and send something back out there. Thanks, Jack. Every now and then it's like old times. This is good for those time passages. (Luke, that's an Al Stewart reference for you.)
ReplyDeleteYou told the man in the Broadway Hotel
DeleteNothing was stranger than being yourself
I try to hold back with some of these name-dropping things because you can overdo it. Many of the encounters occurred in my banquet captain days so it's not an ego stroke for me or anything. Still I've been trying to refrain a little but Jack's last comment was too much of a setup. Here goes:
DeleteI worked at a hotel in downtown Portland that was on Broadway. I was up on the third floor doing a bunch of smaller functions, dinners, etc..and one press conference meet and greet type thing. The guest of honor? Al Stewart, one of a long list of musicians that rolled through the hotel.
I must have been pretty busy because I didn't get a chance to talk with him but he was definitely in the hotel on Broadway with us.
Oh and in those wild days, "Nothing was stranger than being myself."
Do you guys know that Al wrote that song after being propositioned while staying in some flea bag Portland motel back when he was touring with Linda Ronstadt I think it was? He repeats the same story every time I see him live.
DeleteBill, Al is a pretty humble guy and he likely would had talked with you if you did bump into him. I went to one of his shows up in Seattle a few back and my wife and I had seats towards the back....maybe in the balcony I don’t remember but we were farther back.
DeleteI was telling my wife before the show started how great Al was and other assorted fanboy ramblings when this lady in front of us said about the woman next to her “This is Al’s girlfriend”. To which I confidently replied back with “I thought that he was married”? Well that ended that conversation. I saw her again at the signing afterward and when I said hi to Al I smiled at her and said “I believe we have already met”. She was a good sport about it.
Okay, the category is awkward things we've said to a musician or his girlfriend. At that same hotel we used to have traveling classical music stars who would perform with Portland's symphony orchestra. This is how I met Itzhak Perlman for example and walked through the lobby with him as he basically pulled himself along on crutches. He's a polio victim.
DeleteNow, I cannot be sure if my awkward moment came with the pianist Andre Watts. It was some big classical name like that and I do remember him being there, but I honestly can't remember if it was him.
Anyway, the guy was down in our Galleria conference room warming up on the piano and I dropped by to see how he was doing. Did he need anything? We got into a conversation about classical music and I probably mentioned the visit by Itzhak Perlman. That always impressed the classical types.
Frankly, I do know enough about the topic to converse and we discussed how great our conductor here in town was. It was a man named James DePreist. At some point in the conversation I referred to him as Judas Priest. There was really no recovering from that.
That is funny Bill. At that point you should had kept it going. Really bust out your knowledge of classical music with “Yeah, the conductor Judas Priest always wears full leathers and comes out to the stand riding a Harley. And our guest cellist this month is Yo-Yo Dog”.