Brief tantrum includes billboard arson
The "protests" resumed last night at Portland police union headquarters. About 70 people showed up and immediately spray-painted their stuff on the boarded-up building. Then they threw paint at a billboard on the building, supporting the police.
Soon the pyro guys in the crowd decided to torch the billboard.
The fire completely destroyed the advertising.
The police didn't show up, other than the DJ From Hell, and the dissidents went home early. Fox News got their footage. The 7 Eleven had a good night.
Sergio Olmos dutifully covered the goings-on, as usual. The police version is here.
Protesters also tore down the statue on Mt. Tabor of Harvey Scott, an Oregonian editor. As a former columnist and a longtime freelance writer I've dealt with editors all my adult life. It's nice to see the protesters finally get one right.