Mailer of mystery

There it was, in the mailbox, yesterday. I have no idea what it means. It's weird. Anybody?


  1. I always questioned his competence. But, now his support staff is showing signs of stupidity by publishing an incomprehensible flier.

  2. He has always been pushing the "middle man" is the cause of all evil. No need to look at core issues, like the Federal Reserve that has destroyed the buying power of the dollar- especially so in the last dozen years. No need to look at the endless wars to keep feeding the MIC. Blame the middle man.

    1. You think having the USD being the world reserve currency doesn't give you enough buying power?

  3. The AFL-CIO is behind this. Interesting. There does seem to be some parasitic group who's managed to place themselves between pharmacies and customers. Perhaps The Adjuster can look into it.

  4. Mark Cuban, who's been messing with the pharma dudes, was posting on social media about this today, but I couldn't figiure out what he was talking about there, either.

  5. I hope he's demanding answers!

  6. The third senator from New York is probably cashing in during his last days running the Banking Committee and is obviously courting donations from people who would like to grab spun-off PBMs which will be available at fire sale prices if and when the Congress rearranges the health-care business once again. By their fruits shall we evaluate their labor.

  7. It’s a New York thing, we wouldn’t understand.

  8. Matt Stoller’s Substack newsletter explains all this and his excellent podcast, “Organized Money” does a lot of excavating and explaining in an understandable way — they interview a lot of people who are at ground zero in Big Money’s war on capitalism.

    In “Organized Money” they have done a LOT on the havoc that healthcare monopolies are causing for small pharmacists while they jack up prices to consumers thanks to a special exemption from anti-kickback laws.
    Their two-parter on “The Revolt of the Pharmacists” is the kind of thing you’d like to make every elected official in the country listen to and try to justify:

    They also have transcripts so if you’d rather read than listen, it’s easy to do.

    In Part 1, we heard how pharmacists are trying to push back against the monopolistic and harmful practices of PBMs. Today, we hear from another avenger who is taking the battle against PBMs to his workplace on Capitol Hill. Representative Jake Auchicloss is a co-sponsor of the bipartisan Pharmacists Fight Back Act, the most comprehensive PBM reform ever introduced at the federal level. He tells David and Matt that you've got to delink the money that a PBM earns to the price of a drug or the volume of drugs that are sold. And he's not willing to settle for less.

    1. Yeah, this is a pervasive problem that costs us all a lot of money. I really don't get the duh, wut? responses. The flyer sucks, but s2973 is an effort to stop these parasites from feeding to bursting on Medicaid and Medicare. It takes two seconds to find out on Google.

    2. Or you can just wait for the know-it-alls to mansplain it.

    3. Or, you know, read one of the hundred articles that have been published on this hot topic over the past year.

  9. Why didn't he spell out pharmacy benefit manager the first time? You can't just assume all of your constituents know what PBM means.

    And as I much as I do care about racial justice, pointing out that many of the millions (tens or hundreds of millions really) affected are Black and Hispanic is inane. That kind of BS is why so many people are so mad about wokeness.

    He's right, though, that the PBM system is terrible.

    How "Pharmacy Benefit Managers" Are Extorting Us


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