Under the dome

The Portland heat wave is supposed to start breaking up overnight tonight. Pretty soon people should be able to open their windows at night to some cool air, and say "Ahhhh." The key to a perfect Portland summer is to get that nighttime temp down to 60 degrees or lower. A week ago this morning, it was 55 degrees. This morning we were stuck at an anemic 67, with the concrete all over the city still quite warm to the touch.

It looks like today will be the worst of it. They're predicting 103. We hit 100 Sunday and 101 yesterday. It's 95½ on the porch here at Blog Central as of about 1:30 p.m. today.

The climate change deniers will tell you this is normal for a Portland summer, but it isn't. Today is the fourth day in a row in which the record high temperature for the day will be broken out at the airport. These hot spells seem to be starting earlier in the season, getting more severe, and lasting longer.

Our next-door neighbor, who has resisted air conditioning for more than 30 years, broke down and installed a window unit this week. Can't say I blame her.

It seems like everything in town has slowed down or stopped. It's sort of like snow days, only the opposite. Now the TV weather people who hype up the winter storms have a summer replacement show as well.

They say we'll be down to a cool 92 tomorrow, and 87 Thursday. And then, most importantly, 54 overnight Thursday night. Just over half what it will be this afternoon on the old Fahrenheit scale. Works for me; those cool nights are a big reason to live in this part of the world.


  1. Actually, this might be the fifth day in a row for record highs. I believe Friday was the start of the records. (Is today Tuesday? This heat makes things so confusing.) Also, we've set at least a couple of record high lows, aka it just ain't cooling down.

    1. I believe the record for Friday was 99, and we made it only to 98. But I could be wrong there.... My source is https://www.wunderground.com.

    2. Never believe weather underground! NWS says we hit 99, and that was greater than the record.

  2. In 2010 there was an average of 12 days a year above 90 degrees. Now the average is 24 days!
    The glaciers around the world are melting, the seas are warming, water levels are rising and storms are more severe.
    All of this is directly related to the use of fossil fuels, industrialization, and population growth.
    We humans are fouling our earth every day. I feel sorry for the folks who refuse to believe it and refuse to do anything to mitigate this terrible situation.

    1. They believe what Rupert Murdoch tells them to believe.

    2. Everyone believes in climate change, it has
      been changing as long as we have records.

      The planet is still warming, as we are still coming
      out the last Ice age.

    3. Yes, but only dimwits will tell you that human activity has nothing to do with it.

    4. Yes, the climate has changed since the beginning of time. But never at the pace of today's changes. Temperatures globally are setting records every month, and most years become the "hottest year on record."

    5. Prove it is not the sun spots, volcanoes, ocean
      currants or other natural factors?

  3. Weather manipulation is 100% a thing, so have to consider that before going all CO2 crazy. And if you look at decades of temps, instead of a week, number of days above 90s in the US have been declining. We are nowhere as dire with hot days as back in the '30 or the late 1800's.

    1. Facts won’t change the campaign.

    2. Well the clown who brought the snowball into the Senate to prove that climate change is a lie died the other day. That's something.


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