We want a perp walk!

Please, Judge, please! Slap the cuffs on that convicted felon. Hahahahahahaha!

Of course, now his poll numbers will improve, and so we'd better yuk it up while we can.


  1. A first-time offender with a demonstrated record of public service. Does he see jail?

    1. Do you mean public service like running a charity for his own benefit, and agreeing to pay $2.4 million to settle the case? People do hard time for that. Or public service like running a fraudulent "university" and having to pay over $24 million in restitution? Regular Mother Teresa, that guy.

    2. Public service? Don't make me laugh.

    3. I believe Trump belongs in Hanssen's old cell in Florence, never to be spoken of again. Such was the damage he's done to this nation. That said, serving as President of the United States is a point in his favor when it comes to sentencing.

    4. Any "record of public service" is completely disqualified from mattering when you've also been convicted of criminal contempt of court 10 times in this trial alone. There's no remorse there. There's no admission of anything. And he likes to run his mouth about the judge, and shockingly the judge's daughter.

      None of this adds up to leniency.

    5. Ask the Haitian people what they think of the Clintons ripping off all the earthquake relief fund money. Then ask the Libyans what they think of Obama/Clinton destroying their country and stealing all their gold. Thinking that only one side is bad is stupid and dangerous.

      Here is the great and wise Obama:

      “You just have to flood a country’s square with enough raw sewage; use that to raise enough questions; spread enough dirt; plant enough conspiracy theorizing; and citizens no longer know what to believe.”

      It was the same Obama who is enjoying his fourth term under Joe Biden’s first and who also said, “Ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs. That order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.”

    6. Besides the complete fabrication of your examples, whataboutism isn’t a proper reply.

      Years of malfeasance or disregard for the law caught up to Trump. Sucks for him.

    7. The Obama quote was him criticizing disinformation, not advocating it. Either you are lost in a flood of disinformation sewage, or deliberately spewing it. Either way, you're doing Russia's work for them.

  2. They couldn’t even make it seem legit by only passing down a guilty verdict on some percentage of the counts. Ridiculous. Don’t think that the American public is not paying attention. These DA’s let violent criminals walk and/or give them a slap on the wrist, but contort the law to convict an ex-President on ticky-tack charges.

    Expect this to start happening on the other side….. and then of course you will hear the calls from the Democrats about the law being abused for political power.

    1. Signed: Judge Cannon and Justices Alito & Thomas

    2. Hahaha! No one on earth deserves this more than Orange Caligula. Great day for America!

    3. Expect juries to start convicting when the facts and law align? Uh, okay; that is our system, the whole rule of law thing.

    4. Your tears sustain me through this historic come-uppance. Welcome to the churn.

  3. Poking the bear will have consequences.

    1. The “bear” meaning Russia, or just its now convicted representative?

    2. The bear is in plain sight. Be alert.

    3. I'd not heard Stormy called "the bear," but it wasn't the poking, it was the back channel paying that had consequences.

  4. I am talking about one of the “big guns” here. Not just some small fry on the periphery. Precedent has now been set.

  5. So you want a system where the law only applies to the little folk. Ok . . . suit yourself, that's how it works in all the countries that the convicted felon worships.

  6. After the Dobbs opinion, many pundits (correctly) observed that the Republicans were like the dog that finally caught the car.

    Well now shoe, let me introduce you to the other foot.

  7. Anybody that thinks this case was legit and not a political hatchet job is drinking the kool-aid. I am 100% opposed to any Zionist stooge and Trump is number 1, but this case had so many miscarriages it would make a late-term abortionist proud. The judge did not provide written instructions to the jury for 34 counts and expected them to remember them- for just one example.

    “This is insanity. I’ve tried many jury trials in my day. You give jurors paper instructions every time. How are 12 jurors supposed to remember the elements necessary for each of the 34 felony counts? This is an illicit, witch-hunt prosecution.”

    1. Go read People v. Owens 69 NY 2d 585 (1987) and see how wrong you are.

    2. In New York, juries don't get written instructions. But the judge will read them again if the jurors want, and in this case that in fact happened. Orange Caligula was tried and convicted fair and square, with every step witnessed. His lawyers were totally incompetent, but those are the breaks. Turn off Fox News, have some warm milk, and calm down.

    3. I believe the observations of people with universally acknowledged legal accomplishments.

    4. In New York, can judges choose to give out the written instructions? Or does the law just not allow it? 57 pages of instructions seems a bit much to "remember' when going into the jury room.

  8. Perp walk would be nice?
    But agree with the blog proprietor?

    The thought of Trump in jail is very funny.
    At least tie his schedule up so he has to sit around in court falling asleep and farting on his lawyers & can’t hold his Klan bakes / Nuremberg rallies I guess? Maybe not the worst thing?

    Not much faith in the judges for the most part?
    At best, any of them that have any integrity are given assignments where they can’t do much good.
    iirc Judge Kaplan was instrumental in appointing the private prosecution for Steven Donziger’s record length contempt charge/conviction for not wanting to turn over privileged info on his plaintiffs (that might conveniently be round-filed &/or result in key witnesses slipping on large banana peels commonly found in banana republics w/cia death squads…) that won a record case against Chevron in Ecuador.

    Ok, yeah, Trump’s bad & a criminal…we knew that?
    He’s probably done every crime…even the weird ones w/laws still on the books from ~1870 about tying your horse up a certain way after sundown he’s *probably* somehow guilty of.

    I guess all I’m saying is I’m in the unusual position of willfully ignoring *most* federal news / the charade & still maintain that things will mostly stay the same, get worse?

    The dems have foreign $ pass thru real estate weasel donors too, they (or the federal establishment, regardless of party) have to particularize any criminal charge for a former sitting president &/or real estate mogul to things that don’t implicate the broader establishment &/or keep people invested in voting for president & keep people running for the office where the job description is to basically do crimes (particularly foreign ones, if they faced consequences for that, who would want the or take the job?).

    In a way, if you read the articles about this issue or give them your viewership, you’re/we’re already losing (that much more?)?

    Maybe check up on some backstory on some of your local developer weasels or NYC weasels & judges you don’t like to keep your hate pure if you are an early or in depth esoteric hipster about your grievances & grudges , I guess?

    As to president, idk, could both these awful senile POS candidates (& most of their generation?) just fucking ~simultaneously drop dead by some random act of god ~2 weeks-month before the election and we don’t have time for the establishment to really pick replacement candidates for a president, but haven’t voted quite yet such that votes would count toward Vice Presidents on the ticket & could maybe effectively get to vote ‘null’ and we just take a (more or less/give or take?) ~4 year break from this whole ‘president’ thing as well as campaign news?
    I may be a dreamer, but I’m not the only one?

    Not that Congress or the courts are any prize, and it might help us keep an eye on how much the legislative and judiciary largely suck federally & all the way down?

    1. A perfect example of whistling past the grave yard.


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