Movin' on up

Here's an interesting story that dropped last week and hasn't gotten the notice it deserves: Multnomah County's inept commission chair, Jessica Chevy Vega, has moved her residence from the humble outer east side to the toney West Hills.
Vega Pederson and her husband had lived off 130th Avenue since January 2006, when they bought a three-bedroom, 2.5-bath house there for $266,400, according to public records. The property is now on the market for $700,000, according to listing site Redfin.

Last month, Vega Pederson and her family moved to Southwest Portland. They are renting a house there, according to her spokeswoman, Sara Guest, who declined further comment.

It’s a move up for Vega Pederson and her family: The chair’s new residence is a 3,800-square-foot, five-bedroom, three-bath house just south of Council Crest Park, according to Redfin. Market value: $1.2 million.

Chevy's main claim to political fame has been that she's from the tough side of town, and that she sees every day the problems that the downtrodden face. She'll still be able to see the little people from her new digs, dying as they wait endlessly for an ambulance. But she'll need a telescope.

The O, ever Portland Polite™, has some dowdy fun with the story here

In a statement to The Oregonian/OregonLive on Tuesday, Vega Pederson said her move would not stop her from supporting the area her family called home.

“No matter where I live, I will always be a strong advocate for East Portland,” she wrote. “My commitment to East Portland — and to the policies and investments needed by everyone who lives there — is forever.”

Vega Pederson, a mother of two children, didn’t provide specifics on what sparked the decision, only stating that “like anyone, changes in work and school sometimes lead to people moving.”

Sounds like she wants her kids to go to Ainsworth, West Sylvan, and Lincoln High – not those lesser schools out by Costco. It wouldn't be the first time young parents moved (or faked a move) to get into the West Hills schools. But for such a Mujer de la Gente, well, it's an interesting look, let's put it that way. What will Team JVP think?

UPDATE, 1:55 p.m.: An alert reader sends along this gem of a tweet, which looks authentic to me. Too funny!


  1. Heading for the hills has a whole new meaning...

  2. Those West Hills houses are on fire sale these days.

  3. Also that tweet screenshot is priceless, chapeau to the alert reader!

  4. Her new address is a much more convenient drive to Catlin Gable, OES, and Jesuit if she is looking to pull her kids out of PPS. Oops - I meant ‘explore the educational opportunities afforded to students attending independent schools”.

    1. She wouldn't dare send her kids to a private school, would she? The queen of the "preschool for all tax"?

    2. She is very much a “do as I say, not as I do” type, so it wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

  5. Renting a house from whom...

  6. Many decades ago, a retired teacher told me the most important element in primary education was sitting next to kids that behaved. I wonder if that played a roll in the move.

  7. She doesn’t look like someone who has experienced a food desert for very long.

    1. Dang, I just about spit out my coffee!

  8. The posted picture shows streetcar tracks on Visit in front of houses that haven’t had that many flowers in at least 80 years

  9. Former CA Tech yuppie scum who owns two adjacent properties that are now upzoned & advocates for upzoning for apartment junker-bunkers & wants their kids to go to tonier schools?
    I’m shocked, shocked!

    Don’t forget that Lynn Peterson lives in LO.
    Gonzales lives in Eastmoreland as did Charlie Hales, for a time, when he wasn’t in Vancouver.
    I’m beginning to see a pattern here…
    In a way, Wheeler is being a better sport about this than most in his condo downtown(ish)?

    ‘One of Two adjacent houses on big lots in SE PDX to be sold combined,” the Redfin listing for Vega Pederson’s house says. “Potential for 20 townhomes or a 32-unit cottage cluster when combined. Ideal investment opportunity for developers & builders.”’

    My crystal ball says Catlin Gae no, but Jesuit, OES, St. Mary’s Academy & west side Christian (maybe a bit too conservative?) contenders for sure, as well as Sylvin, (unlikely contenders; Robert gray, Wilson (ida Wells)) & Lincoln?
    No to outright mask-off Riverdale & LO, tho?
    Ostensibly, within PPS…

    They’ve been working on Benson for years and had it moved out to the Marshall campus for years after the PPS bureaucrats have been trying to kill it / neglecting what could have saved the tax payer a boat load of $ just maintaining it every summer (haha, who are we kidding?) & also come up with the creative ‘innovation’ to eliminate all the parking for a school that draws mechanically inclined (mostly) driving age mostly working class kids from the whole city…

  10. Can you imagine how the ‘new (apartment bunker) development opportunity’ would go over in Portland Heights, Dunthorpe, the new (oh the Iron-E) eastmoreland hysterical (historic) district or parts of LO?

    This is some pure californication (as in getting f’d over & ‘for me, but not for thee’…we love to see it, folks!

  11. She is enjoying school choice.


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