This one's easy

If you're an Oregon Democrat, you'll soon get to vote for a candidate to be the new state attorney general. He or she will be taking over from Ellen Rosenblum, who grabbed the reins from John Kroger years ago when he started asking too many questions. After claiming he was too sick to run for re-election, he nonetheless got several years at $400K or so as president of Reed College, and golly, Mrs. Cleaver, in Salem there's been nary a ripple of genuine legal controversy at any time since he left. On the contrary, the Oregon Department of Justice is where several promising investigations have gone to die.

Anyway, in the blue primary this time around, it's Dan Rayfield (pictured) against Shaina Maxey Pomerantz. I don't know much about Rayfield, other than he's a trial lawyer from Corvallis and a bobblehead in the state legislature, but at least he's licensed to practice law in Oregon. Pomerantz, who refers to herself as a lawyer, does not appear to be a member of the State Bar. 

In addition, Pomerantz says she spent several years as "chief operating officer" and "executive director" of "Race Talks," a "nonprofit" that I wrote about a couple of years ago, here. Try to find any public disclosure of their finances. If you're like me, you won't find any. There are state laws requiring at least a minimum of fiscal transparency for "charities," and they're supposed to be enforced by, well, the state attorney general. Pomerantz shouldn't be put in charge of enforcing laws she can't seem to obey herself.

And so it's no, no, a thousand times no on Pomerantz. If you're a Democrat, you need to vote for Rayfield. As usual, hold your nose and pray. 

If you're a Republican, on the other hand, you have two other candidates to choose between, but really, you need to move to Idaho.


  1. Replies
    1. I like Jack where he is, doing what he does . It’s the useful idiots that annoy me

    2. If I could move, it wouldn’t be to Idaho. Way too Trumpy. Maybe Camas.

    3. Camas has been taken over by Californicators

    4. Better than maga cultists.

    5. If you like high taxes and unaffordable housing prices, go for it.

    6. We like Camas-Washougal just fine. I'm not sure what people are up to whining about high taxes and Californication. Far from it, in our experience, especially compared to Portland. And if you're selling a house in Portland, you have no worries about affording something around here. Sour grapes much?

  2. Rayfield's flooded YouTube ads are not encouraging.

    Uhauls would be good advice for any Oregonian. Or drink more. As long it's not Pappy.

  3. The website for Shaina Maxey Pomerantz says she graduated law school from Southern University Law Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2016, but does not mention passing any bar exams. She received a "European Law Certificate" from the University College of London in 2014 and worked briefly in two legal positions that do not require being licensed as an attorney, including a law clerk stint with the Portland City Attorney's office and a civil rights investigator gig for the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. She was raised in California but is trading on her grandparents' Portland residency to claim 'deep familial roots" in Oregon. Per her website, "Recognizing her own color privilege as a light skinned Black woman, Shaina is committed to making space at tables and holding doors open for darker melanated Black folx."

  4. Kroger left Reed, was the Navy’s first ‘chief learning officer’ for a couple of years, got into the think tank world, and now has his own institute.
    Looks like it runs ‘leadership’ training retreats, presumably for big bucks.

  5. I cannot imagine how the AG could not be

  6. It's slightly appalling that someone without any track record as a lawyer considers themselves to be fit to lead a state DOJ. I suppose she thinks that bringing a truckload of equity experience makes up for her lack of qualifications.

  7. Last October Pomerantz got a $425,000 settlement out of the Oregon Labor Bureau in a suit claiming racial discrimination and a hostile work environment. So she's got that going for her. Which is nice.

  8. I'm voting for the person with the most Soros money.

  9. Weird that there's no record of Race Talks in Guidestar, but looks like the Meyer Memorial Trust gave them $100K in 2022...

  10. Shaina Maxey Pomerantz would be an absolute disaster as Oregon AG. She’s a grifter and not qualified for the position at all, with no relevant experience.. It’s pretty galling that she would even consider running for AG, since she’s not even a member of the bar.

  11. We sold a house in the Cully neighborhood & we certainly couldn’t afford to live in Camus.

    1. Here's a cute 1,400 sq.ft. place in the Gorge for $479K. Perfectly good stuff comes up all the time in Camas and Washougal in the $4-500K range, and less if you want to do some DIY. Now, if you need a McMansion, I can't help you.


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