
Just got off a plane at Portland's money-pit airport, and discovered that there are zero signs in the terminal directing arriving passengers to ride share pickup points. There are also zero signs on the walkways outside the terminal pointing arriving passengers to ride share pickup points. Oh, there are lots of signs, but none of them say ride share or any similar phrase.

Have you ever been in an airport so unhelpful? I haven't.

We had to chase down a Port of Portland employee in a yellow vest and ask him where the ride share was. He was a surly young dude who could barely be bothered with our question; his job was to hassle people who didn't keep their car in gear in the passenger pickup zone. He was quite good with the hassling, not so keen on the helping. A real piece of work.

As it turns out, the only signs directing folks to the ride share pickup points are at the points themselves, which are now in the garage building across the two busy streets from the terminal. But you're on your own finding them. What a welcome.

All the way home our driver regaled us with stories of the latest violent carjacking episodes in Portland.

For four decades it used to be a pleasure to get home to the Rose City. How quickly it has turned into something quite different.

Meanwhile, the platinum-plating of the airport rolls on. They haven't even finished the current boondoggle and already they're talking about redoing the whole thing. Such a colossal waste.


  1. The Port of Potland is drastically over staffed in the areas of design and engineering and has been for a long time.

  2. PDX is friendly compared to SFO or LAX

    1. That's like saying that a raccoon is friendly compared to a wolverine or a mountain lion.

      I'd rather not get rabies from any of them.

    2. It was not friendly last night. More the opposite.

  3. I agree that the new rideshare/taxi area is poorly done. Way too far from the terminal, and poor/non-existent signage as you mentioned. That said, PDX is a very fine airport compared to most in this country, and the terminal remodel will make it even nicer. Like the previous poster mentioned, compared to SFO, LAX (and SEA in my opinion), PDX is a breath of fresh air.
    I just wish they would make the next priority to upgrade the international arrivals hall so that you do not have to take a bus from customs/immigration to the terminal. I know the layout is challenging, but there must be a way to make it so folks can walk or taking a moving sidewalk to the terminal instead of waiting for those darn busses. This has been going on for years, and needs to be fixed.

  4. I can see Plan 2045 now:

    low-income / no-income public housing at the airport.

    Every quasi-governmental agency needs to get a piece of that action!

    1. The Port is already in on that game - the former Terminal 2 is now the housing innovation hub!

  5. But Plan 2030 only allows up little peeps to fly 900 miles every three years. So the airport is going to increase the private jet areas and luxury accommodations?

  6. So, is the Port hiding ride-share to appease its assorted unions in support of cab-drivers v non-union ridesharing?

    1. That’s Portland.

    2. Sounds like somebody needed a therapy llama


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