You’ll never believe what just happened


  1. As an adolescent, I loved DST. I was always awake early in the morning and the extra outdoors playing time in the evening was wonderful.
    The older I got the less I cared.

  2. Didn't Oregonians recently vote for DST year round?

    1. Nope. That one died late in the session.

    2. You can’t have DST year ‘round. The kids would be walking to school in the dark. It was tried under Nixon. You could have Standard Time all year ‘round, though.

    3. Or we could just keep the status quo like we have for most of the last 100 years and deal with sight discomfort for a day or two twice a year for the positive tradeoffs. Long summer nights and not waking up at 4am in the summer when the birds start chirping is nice too. Maybe there’s a reason every northern country except Russia (by Putin’s decree) uses DST.


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