The rat hole beckons

Today the mailman dropped off this reminder:

A very helpful reminder! It reminds me that I need to move.

Last time I checked$386 million in taxes had resulted in a grand total of 507 new preschool seats. You math majors are way ahead of me: That works out to around $761,000 a seat. Another lemon, brought to you by Chevy Vega.


  1. Thankfully, this is one I don't have to pay. But, it serves as a reminder - every day, I ask myself what keeps me in Portland, and why should I move. The scales are tipping heavily to the latter.

  2. We have never lived and we no longer work in Multnomah county anymore and we got one of those! The Shitty just keeps trying to scare people! Disgusting!

  3. Got that one and one from Metro. Plus almost daily email reminders for the Art (head) tax. Seems kind of desperate to me.

  4. At $761,000 per seat, the cost to send a student to preschool for a year is even higher than the cost per unit to build government-sponsored affordable housing.

  5. A model of thrift and efficiency. How can anyone not feel good about paying this tax? You know, tomorrow is their future. But today is just another day with money that you and I don’t really need.

  6. In line to enter the Timbers game on Saturday night and there was a gentleman pushing to get signatures for a ballot measure that would give “Every Oregon resident $750 a year” based on a tax on companies like Xfinity who “don’t pay any tax” and “it won’t cost you anything”. I passed on signing as did a number of others.

  7. The random do-gooder taxes are eating us alive. Homeless tax. Arts tax. Preschool tax.

    I'm now a solid NO vote on any property bond or tax measures. All we do is pay more money, and nothing actually improves. And then they have piles of money that they fail to spend at all, much less spend in a manner that does anything at all besides line crony pockets.

  8. Nobody ever gets paid for a ballot measure to repeal taxes.


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