How dare she

I wish that brilliant, accomplished performers like Taylor Swift would just stick to their entertaining and stop getting involved with politics. The only people who should have a right to express political opinions in the media are pathetic losers like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, who have never done anything with their lives but stir up hatred and division.


  1. the maga crowd is worried about taylor swift influencing the election but the last time i checked most of her fans are 12 years old.

    1. They were, but that was 12 years ago.

    2. And now they can and probably will vote! She’s been crossing over to older generations too. Even David Brooks is a fan.

    3. Tucker might just help to save your republic. I don't know anything about the Hannity guy except he is a performer like this young woman but his schtick is probably different. He doesn't sing does he?

    4. As soon as Tucker gets back from Russia? What a bum.

    5. 12 year olds? Wow, shows how out of touch you are. Most Swities are in their 20’s and 30’s, are pissed off at where we’ve gone as a country, and are ready to vote for their lives.

    6. I appreciate Tucker for not regurgitating conventional progressive “wisdom” from the swamp.

    7. You should check again. She posted to Xitter for people to register to vote, and 35,000 people did that day.

      That wouldn't happen if "her fans are 12 years old".

      Also: take a look at the millions of people that paid big dollars to attend her sold out multi-night-per-stop stadium tour. Not 12 years old.

      More: listen to her latest albums - they are far more "grown up" than her previous work, because she's far more "grown up" as well. If you think adults aren't listening to her, then you need to get out a little more.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh Larry. Take your meds and get back to bed before the orderlies find you on the computer.

  3. Taylor Swift is a plague on society. Vapid music, vapid lyrics, and an equally vapid fanbase. If I never saw her again it would be much too soon.

    Is that too harsh?

    1. I love when someone attempts to speak for all of society. AM radio has lots of "Oldies" stations. Perhaps turn the dial and let the rest of society do as IT pleases?

    2. I'm sorry, has someone handcuffed you to a radiator and forced you to listen to her music?

      You have an option to not listen to her. But you don't have the option to tell other people what to like, just like I don't have the option to tell you what to like or dislike.

      Grow up.

  4. My joke about Taylor fixing the Super Bowl for Joe Biden was axed? Dang Poe's law.

  5. Celebrity endorsements make the celebrities and their sycophants feel good. Not sure that the endorsement moves the needle at election time.

    1. Agree. Which is why this overreaction seems so stupid. Trump and Swift are both well known quantities.

      What percentage of the electorate actively dislikes Swift but is still undecided on Trump? He's already cornered the incel-voter market. It seems more likely to drive away undecided's who like Swift.


  6. Does this have something to do with her new album? Because that's all google news has in reference to her.

  7. She certainly brings out all the angry insecure men, like some of the them commenting here.

  8. Yawn! Seems to be a lot of hate and blame, on All sides of this issue.

  9. Funny how all these commercials feature Kansas City Chiefs- made well before the Super Bowl teams were "selected". Oh wait, sports can't possibly be fixed. What was I thinking?

    1. Yes, because the Chiefs sure haven’t been to many Super Bowls lately. And against San Francisco? Never happened! Obviously a conspiracy.

    2. The closer the schedule gets to the Super Bowl, the more fixed the games seem to get. Bizarre officiating, inexplicable player errors, hmmmmmm. And people are betting on every play. They're holding this year's Super Bowl in Las Vegas. Think about it.

  10. ^this. Just another way to tax and bring what used to be illegal into the market…gambling or drugs, among other things as profits decline ever more in industries that actually produce anything that isn’t entertainment or military thsts a real value-added good snd given how much more complex things are now, higher profit margins are required.

    As to Swift & Travis Kelce , I think of them as both people who are sort of married to their careers who can be all things to all people that are quasi non-hedonic?
    Controversy & headlines sell records, right?

    Swift endorsed Biden in ‘20 (for all the difference it makes, probably not much or maybe negative, who knows?), but I have the feeling that what really makes the conservatives uncomfortable is that people seem to like her or have no real opinion of her (guilty?) & most normal people don’t care or mind that she appears with a football star, but that takes air time away from aspects of football games/media surrounding them there broadly conservative, militarist, anti-woman or from football owner’s perspective?

    I doubt she cares, but it does sell records & publicity & the abortion thing is like an 80/20 issue & the Trump crowd has nothing to offer you…be an easy calculation if I were in her shoes & a career performer?

    Much as the media spectacle is what it is/music, football industry is what it is, this isn’t all that new as things go?

  11. Serious. Do you guys ever stop and think about how full of sh*t you really are? Oregon is dead last in everything and you guys and your policies are the problem. An ENDLESS amount of money will never make your leftist policies work. Mock Tucker but he's accomplished more than you ever will in life.


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