Here are the last underdogs of the season

We're down to the final week of our charity pro football underdog game, and here's what the players are looking at (the underdogs, as ever, in caps):

7  DETROIT at San Francisco

3.5  KANSAS CITY at Baltimore

With the posting of these point spreads, some things are decided, but some things are not. Our no. 1 spot is still up for grabs. And only three players will get to designate prizes to eligible charities, whereas four players are still in the running for that honor. Our most recent standings are here. They didn't change this past weekend.

This week, all picks are due by noon PST on Sunday.

It's a bit of a chess game at this point for those at the top. But I urge all our players, even those out of the money, to make a pick this week – one last pick for the glory of the 'dogs. You have just one more week as a 'dognosticator in this season's game. Call it!

The prizes, to be decided on Sunday:

  • First place: $365
  • Second place: $115
  • Third place: $90
Good luck, players.
