From Matt Wuerker

Via Politico. Used with permission.


  1. Gosh, we get lucky enough Michelle will be the next president. She's our own down low Winnie Mandela.

    1. God help us. At this point, even a Sam Adams looks to be a better option than anyone else currently within earshot of occupying the WH in 2025. And that in itself says a lot.

    2. Despite Biden's senility he has forgotten more about the government than Trump or any of his acolytes will ever know. I wish Presidential debates were held like actual job interviews in other words questions about the actual job. Since Trump and Biden have actually held the job it would be illuminating to see just who knows more about the presidency and how our republic actually works. That we have come to this point demonstrates that the party founded by Lincoln will die along with our republic. Ironic isn't it since Lincoln died trying to save it.

    3. Would you rather have a mechanic that knows every part number for every Buick going back 30 years, or a younger and more competent Buick repairman working on your car?

      I think that Joe’s heart was in the right place as far as governing at one point. Unfortunately, time and the need to pander to the far-left has left him ineffective at best.

  2. Biden has been contemptible since assuming his senate seat. I'd rather rehab Joe McCarthy than pretend Biden has ever been either honest or competent. I've been watching him since his flubby presidential run back when, the guy has to be doing some one's bidding or he'd be gone as he is nothing on his own.

    So, what what you pay painting-wise to help him launder his kid's influence peddling painting dough. Jesus, People mystify me.

    1. He had to drop out of the first time running for office as he completely made up his college educational experience. Been lying ever since, but nobody cares because they just turn on the scare machine and accuse the other guy of being far worse- the next Hitler.

  3. I would love to see Big Mike enter the race. Why do you think they have been pushing the Trans thing so hard lately?


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