Won't get fooled again

I got an email yesterday from the group that's determined to fix Measure 110, Oregon's insane hard street drug decriminalization law. Their message to the bobbleheads in the state legislature has been, and continues to be, that if the lawmakers don't undo the worst parts of that bad law, and soon, an initiative measure undoing them will be taken directly to the public. A measure that would almost certainly pass.

The group pushing for change sound like they're afraid the pinheads are just going to recriminalize public use of drugs, declare victory, and go home. The reformers are making it clear that that's nowhere near enough action to satisfy them. And I must say I agree.

Their warning about this is here. It says in part:

Many have called for simply criminalizing “public use” of drugs as a solution. While we believe making public use a crime can be part of a comprehensive approach, we know that public use criminalization alone will fall short of accomplishing the goal of saving lives and communities. It is a reactionary step that will accomplish little more than hiding the problem from immediate view. Tragically, we fear that public use criminalization alone will drive drug use into the shadows and increase overdose deaths in a way that will disproportionately harm vulnerable members of our community, including those who are experiencing homelessness and those who are members of historically marginalized communities. Additionally, public use criminalization creates an impractical “catch in the act” standard for law enforcement that will make actual enforcement difficult.

If the goal of the legislature is to hide the problem from the public so that people don’t “see” actual drug use occurring, then public use criminalization alone may accomplish that result. But if the desire is achieving meaningful change that will save lives and communities and will reduce not only drug use but also the negative consequences that flow from drug use (e.g., overdose deaths, crime, homelessness, negative community impact, etc.), then comprehensive law enforcement solutions are necessary.

It's worth reading the whole thing, which includes an outline of what the "fix" group proposes in addition to recriminalization of possession of the most dangerous substances.

Our proposal provides three opportunities for Oregonians who are using or possessing drugs to engage in supervised treatment and avoid a criminal conviction or time in jail....

Opportunity 1: Pre-Booking Diversion (also sometimes called “deflection”)...

Opportunity 2: Conditional Discharge Diversion...

Opportunity 3: Supervised Probation and Automatic Expungement...

[O]ur proposal includes a guaranteed funding floor for prevention, treatment, and recovery services. Based on the severity of Oregon’s addiction and overdose crisis, it is clear current Measure 110 money alone will be insufficient to meet this challenge. Put simply, we believe that without our proposed guaranteed funding floor, the primary aspect of Measure 110 that works well (dedicated funding for addiction services) is in jeopardy.

They're talking a lot of sense. Let's hope the bobbleheads listen, and listen good. 

Meanwhile, can you believe that the clowns at the Oregonian are still babbling about Portugal? What an embarrassment they can be.


  1. I see the proposal as a request to increase a government bureaucracy to supervise a problem they created

  2. short version: we're not spending enough taxpayer money! give us more!

  3. Now that Potland has amassed a huge population of criminal drug users and warmly welcomed the illegal alien importers, it will take an act of God to cure the cities ills.


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