Bobbleheads, take your marks

Wow, Earl the Pearl is retiring. This is it! The moment that dozens of Portland politicians have been waiting for. They will now commence falling all over each other, furiously jockeying for his position. 

If they're going to emulate what His Earlness has done in the House, the only real credential they need is knowing how to vote blue when it counts. Being grounded in reality is not a prerequisite for the gig.

That being the case, it might make sense to see Blumenauer's Congressional seat as a way for Portland voters to get rid of someone who's been gumming up the works locally. That leaves quite a large cast of characters to choose from. 

Dud Wheeler must be kicking himself at the timing of this. He's preached that he won't run for re-election as mayor because he's oh-so-dedicated to implementing the charter kids' wet dream. But if I had to bet, a seat in Congress would be very much to his liking.

I know one thing: Loretta Smith is available.


  1. Dud will need to change his underwear!

  2. When young I came to Portland to listen to Sargent Shriver during his vice-presidential run. A hick kid from the farm town of Hillsboro, this was my first time listening to a Washington D.C. big deal speak.

    While I realize now he was using the short hand nitwittery of campaign-speak, at the time I was shocked and confused at his rhetorical emptiness. His address was like the worst vaudeville routing ever executed.

    Many years later I attended a political contestation between those defending the Patriot Act and those opposing it. On the one side was Karen Immurgut (sp) and the Vietnamese-American guy who cooked up the act, and maybe one other defender. On the other side were a couple of really, really disappointing ACLU people and Blumenauer.

    That guy with the bow-tie? Shocking fkwit. I had never heard such a superficial, void of all reason and logic, sniggering/sneering moron in all my life. God knows the ACLU creatures weren’t much, but this guy was was the most arrogant non-entity I’d ever heard speaking public.

    While waiting in line that evening I spoke with an old hippie who actually tried to employ John Dean’s attack on W to clinch his point. John Dean? My god.

    1. Brilliant. I met him once also and had a college friend who worked for him for a year in DC. Described him as melancholy and much given to cannabis.

  3. In many ways, Earl really represents a lots of people in Portland.

    1. The bottom of the barrel peeps.

    2. And you see the results of a bunch of pie-in-the-sky idealists spout nonsense

  4. Geez, I'd better double up my efforts to send Bloom'n Hour my "Can you possibly be more of party hack, know nothing nitwit?" before he bow-ties out.

  5. Take a long walk off a short pier.

  6. I think this means he believes the Republicans will hold on to the house. Otherwise, I can't imagine he would pass up another chance at a gavel.


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