Yeah, real funny

Here's a story that should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country.

A Seattle police watchdog agency is investigating rank-and-file union leaders over body-camera audio in which they laugh, joke about and downplay the death of a young woman struck by a police cruiser, suggesting her life had “limited value” and that the city should “just write a check.”

The two cops involved, president and vice president of the police union, should be fired, plain and simple. Contrary to the anarchists' slogan, all cops are not bastards, but those two most definitely are. 

As are all of the police unions. They should not exist.

And it shows you something about those body cameras. There should be no "off" switch. When the cop clocks in for a shift, the camera is turned on; when the cop clocks off, it is turned off.

They act like they don't understand why people hate them. This is why.


  1. Well his explanation does seem somewhat plausible, but after such a tragic accident you would think (or hope) that he would be silent. Or at the very least, not joking about it.

  2. Everything these guys say is "plausible." But that doesn't mean it's true. Usually, it isn't.

    1. Speech is silver but silence is golden…

  3. Story is on KGW tonight! About time too!

  4. there wasn't enough context in the video to make a final judgment, it was heavily edited. I'm inclined to agree that the comments were heartless but who knows, I didn't hear the whole thing.

    1. Typical cop weasel talk. Please, take it somewhere else.

    2. Just got back home and saw an article of August 2 on Phil Standfort asking who is the man in the stripped suit? It's a dead ringer of a Portland cop at the time named Greg Plucos. He lives somewhere in Central Oregon. Please don't print this, I beg of you.

  5. Saw a story on this and heard the comments. This sick dick needs to be fired with extreme prejudice.


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