Dud's done

Portland's mayor, Dud Wheeler, announced today that he won't run for re-election next year. He's been terrible as mayor, but surely he's been better than his opponent, the Traffic Conehead Lady, would have been.

One can only hope that his police chief, Chuck Love, will also be announcing his retirement soon. That guy has run one of the worst cop shops imaginable.

But it's no time for rejoicing, because the identity of the next mayor is insignificant compared to the prolonged period of chaos ahead as the city's ill-advised new charter is implemented. In a couple of years we may all be missing how good 2023 was in comparison.

Meanwhile, Wheeler will be free to head off to some exotic locale with his family's money and sleep off the last 20 years or so. He never made it to Congress, or even to the governor's office. Oh, well. Politics was probably good for dating.


  1. I’m trying to remember Portland’s last good “head cop”.

    1. Outlaw could have been VERY good, but only saw Portland as a stepping stone toward the next big thing. It could be we need to start recruiting for that job in much the same way Oregon recruits football coaches.

      "Give us five years and we'll give you a positive reference."

    2. I thought Moose was a cool character. At least he wasn't an all-day all-night excuse machine, which is what Chuck has turned out to be. The cops used to be visible. Now I never see one, and I mean that literally, never.

    3. The next mayor will be even worse and yet another big step towards total Portland doom.

    4. You people really need to find something else to bleat about. The "another big step towards total Portland doom" schtick is more stale than Friends reruns.

    5. Don’t let facts get in the way of the great “Portland, keep the dream alive” narrative.

    6. It's going to get worse before it gets better. It will always be here in some shape or form, but the future is not bright.

    7. AC/DC wrote the same song 193 times and made a career of it. I'm just saying, a little variety, my dude.

      I'm sure Mrs Anonymous would appreciate it too.

    8. I am glad that Jack sticks to regional issues. We have plenty of sources for national news already.

      And why turn a blog into a left/right argument every day, when you can inform people instead?

    9. I agree with Anonymous and disagree with Bean. This blog is the most useful source of information I can find about the problems and corruption in the Portland area. I'm glad I don't live there anymore, but I still feel a responsibility to keep up on Portland events.

  2. Bean, "doom" is accurate. Portland is on a trajectory to ruin with no signs of any altered course. Quite the contrary, all signs point to a worsening trek. It's entirely reasonable to view the result to end up as some sort of municipal doom.

  3. You begin to wonder if creating a near no-go zone in downtown is a way to dive real estate values so the big boys can come in and buy for pennies on the dollar. At least somebody has a plan.

    1. The portlanders who once supported downtown Portland retail stores seem to be happy with the big suburban malls. Parking in plentiful, the stores are centralized, the malls are clean and no one is sleeping on the sidewalks.


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