More dirty money linked to you-know-who

Another campaign contribution laundering scheme has made the headlines, this time a fake contribution scam pulled by the hotel company owned at the time by Gordon Sondland. You remember old Gordon, Trump's ambassador to Europe there for a while. Ha! Ha! Good times.

Turns out, the president of his hotel company, Bashar Wali, and Wali's wife Eileen purportedly made political contributions, in their own names, that were then promptly reimbursed by the company. That's illegal under federal campaign statutes. 

And to whom did the laundered money go? Why, in part to Ron Wyden and also to a "leadership PAC" that Wyden controls – something called "Hoops PAC."

This comes on top of Ron's people's roles "in the loop" of last fall's contributions of hundreds of thousands of dollars in stolen crypto account holders' money by the Bankman boys.

I'm tellin' ya, for the saint that the Portland media makes him out to be, that Ron is one dark dude. I don't call him Gatsby just because he lives in New York.


  1. I never understood why the Portland print media overlooks this aspect of Ron.

    1. Because otherwise they wouldn't be invited to join the MAC...duh!

  2. Another fake Oregonian leeching off the public trough. I'm not even sure he is loyal to the USA.

  3. He does visit Oregon from time to time, for photo opps. and to hand out press releases. I wonder how the maintenance on his Oregon residence is handled.

  4. “This is the business we have chosen.” I don’t know what an illegal reimbursement scheme has to do with the pol who took the money unless you think the candidates were involved in suggesting to donors that they reimburse themselves — wildly unlikely.

    Here, both grifters signed the certifications to the campaign that they were legal givers and that they were giving their own money. What exactly should Wyden and Tillis have done differently?

    1. Wildly unlikely, my ass. Look at the emails on the crypto deal. Wyden's people were all over that one. And this is the exact same pattern. They should have told these people that they don't take money that's coming from someone else.

    2. So... Wyden is risking a federal case for a couple of max out donors? Highly unlikely.

    3. Wyden isn't risking anything. He's untouchable, always has been. You, however, are risking becoming quite tiresome.


  6. Could be worse: Earl B could have his job

  7. But it's okay he's a democrat.


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