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Here's a sad story about fake public involvement, in Washington County, of all places. Some neighbors in Aloha just found out that they're getting a 40-unit homeless pod camp on a church parking lot. It's a done deal. When the county held a community meeting to let the locals know what they are in for – and that they can accept it or move – it didn't go well.

It's the way things are done in a lot of places around here. Don't get me started on my own experiences. My sympathies are 100 percent with the neighbors, who should have had a chance to sound off before the plan was finalized. Their next move will be figuring out who's going to pay for a lawyer. My advice would be to stop throwing away those glossy realtor postcards that come in the mail.


  1. Sounds like the church is starting to do it's Christian thing of taking care of the poor 'who will always be with us'.

    1. It’ll be interesting to see if the congregation grows.

    2. Yah if they are willing to pray for the church's kindness

  2. It reminds me of Charlie Hales giving a speech to "young leader" on how to govern ... "People need choices, so you give them choices ... only you pick what they get to choose from."

  3. Would love to know why those county leaders decided not to put it in their neighborhoods - oh, wait, I know why, Cooper Mountain is too far from "essential services" if you're hauling stuff around in a shopping cart and not a Tesla. Aloha takes it in the shorts yet again.

  4. More churches are doing this. Shrinking/elderly congregations are making quite a few decide that it makes better dollar sense to just lease out or sell to homeless industrial complex, neighborhood be damned. They pull a Jesus Christ pose while doing this, but most will have nothing to do with their new "flock" as they won't be ministering them, some non-profit will be supposedly be "managing" them.


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