Name the new Portland football team

I see that they're going to try once again to start another U.S. pro football league, this time with a fall schedule, and the Portland area will be getting a team.

The story, here, makes no mention of a name for the team. They'll be playing out in Hillsboro, but my assumption is that the players will be known as the Portland Something-or-Other. But what?

The name ought to reflect the true state of our city and state at this moment in history. But what does that suggest?

The Portland Squatters? The Portland Nonprofits? The Portland Socialists? The Portland Protesters? The Portland Shards? The Portland Dealers? The Portland Stabbers? The Portland Mollycoddlers?

One option would be to go with a singular noun, like the Thunder or the Heat. The Portland Exodus, perhaps? The Portland Plywood? The Portland Vacancy? The Portland Lunacy? The Portland Overdose? The Portland Narcan?

Maybe we should go with two words, like the Trail Blazers. Say, the Portland Blue Smokers? The Portland Bum Doo? The Portland Cat Snatchers? The Portland Harm Reducers? The Portland Tax Collectors? The Portland Car Haters? The Portland Gang Bangers?

Is "Tear Gas" one word or two?

Maybe we should go statewide with the Oregon Bourbon Stealers. Or how about a sanitary option like the Oregon Koteks? 

None of these sound right. Readers, help us out. 


  1. Since sports is a way to distract attention from the drudgery of everyday life. How about “The Distractions”

  2. The Portland Homeless could work. The mascot could be a guy and his pit bull living in a tent on the 50 yard line.

    1. ...who the Leg will allow to sue all the fans in the stands for violating his rights...because he has more rights than all the paying spectators put together. Thanks Joann!

  3. How many Paulsons involved with this one?

  4. Not sure what the team name should be but since the league is called Major League Football I'll be looking forward to watching some MiLF action this fall.


  5. I like 'The Weirdos'.

    1. And the appropriate mascot would be———

  6. Thomas Lauderdale in full drag of course and I say that with all respect.

  7. The Portland Weird
    The Portland Riot
    The Portland Allies
    The Portland Black Bloc

    1. How could I have missed it? The Portland Comrades!

    2. Yes! Go Comrades, Go!

    3. Go Comrades! Resolutely strive against the running dog imperialists!

    4. While we're at it, "TrailBlazer" just comes across as a little too manifest-destiny-ish for modern sensibilities. Our basketball team should be renamed too.

      No NBA team has claimed the Anti-Colonials yet.

    5. I agree. The "Trail Blazers" would NEVER fly today.

  8. Portland Traumatic Encephalopaths with their mascot, Wobbly Pete!

  9. What with CTE and a bunch of old people that are the only ones that can afford to go snd traffic on hwy 26 already being untenable, why a football team at all?

    How about no pro sports teams at all & pay the athletes at U of O?


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