Have a great weekend


  1. Compelling.

    Also, at the very end it sounds like someone in the audience yells "We love Pete!" (Best, of course).

  2. Lot of weird stuff this week that I’d love to hear your take on - STACKS of cash?! What is… La Mota…really?

    1. Pot businesses are not allowed to have bank accounts. And so of course they pay in cash. The Weed is crucifying La Mota, for whatever reason. Not my circus.

    2. They have a lot of trouble paying their taxes and their vendors, but they have plenty of cash lying around to give to pols. In campaign contributions, no-show “consulting” gigs, etc. There’s more to this story.

    3. "The Weed is crucifying La Mota, for whatever reason. Not my circus." The reason is they same they endorsed Rene Gonzalez and recommended "NO" on the cap gains tax -- clicks and relevance.


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