"You wake up, you go eat at Blanchet, get high"

Here's one of the saddest video clips I've seen in a while. One of Portland's hard-core tent dwellers explains why Portland is the city of choice for drug addicts.

The "Blanchet" she's referring to is this place. I'm sure they mean well in all cases, and do good in some. But they're enabling a fair amount of destruction, including self-destruction.

Portland needs to wise up, stop yammering, and get something done, today, about the street camping. Unfortunately, the clown shows we have in leadership at the city and county levels are simply not up to the task. And the voters who decriminalized street drugs should all hang their heads in shame and start taking action to undo their terrible mistake.

UPDATE, 7:20 p.m.: More Blanchet House news, here.


  1. To paraphrase a line from a famous movie.
    If you feed them, they will come.

  2. I'll bet you a month's pay that there will be another tax to "help" some other protected, disadvantaged, "-less"-yet-protected class on the Nov 2023 MultCo ballot.

    1. It will cost you *at least* a month's pay. In May we get to vote on a capital gains tax so that people who don't pay their rent can't be evicted without free lawyers to drag things out for some additional months.

    2. I knew that...that's why the ref to "Nov 2023"... Care to start a pool about which disadvantage, "-less" class gets the Nov 2023 goodies?

  3. Som people don’t want to work. It puzzles me that their story is always fodder for the media.

  4. That sounds like my daily existence when I was in my teens and twenties. Minus the living in the tent part and eating at soup kitchens. I even held a job continuously......something that was kind of expected of people back then. Unless you were disabled or retired, you worked.

  5. And did you see the news tonight where someone from Blanchet House had administered Narcon to someone in tent outside the entrance? This man said that everyone should learn to use Narcon and carry a supply to assist in saving folks from over dosing.
    I’m shaking my head!

    1. Preventing overdose deaths is a good thing and should not be equated with perpetuating drug abuse and homelessness.

  6. Thanks for posting the KOIN link to the Narcan story!

  7. All she needs is a free apartment

  8. Meanwhile Earl the Pearl keeps sending me his rosy newsletters about how much he is fighting for us back in DC "saving democracy" while padding his bank account. Good times.


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