Here are this week's underdog picks
The leaves are all off the trees, and the college kids have ended their regular football seasons, off to final exams and bowl games. But the big daddies of pro football grind on, with plenty more action ahead. It's Week 13 of 18 in the regular season, and then we'll get three weeks of playoffs before the Super Bowl.
The players in our underdog game haven't had a lot to cheer about the last couple of weeks. There's been a lot of drama, and as the cats at my house can tell you, a great deal of sports yelling has occurred. But the favorites have bested our players' 'dogs time and again.
Let's see if this week might be different. Our 'dognosticators say this:
10 INDIANAPOLIS at Dallas - Paul
8 DENVER at Baltimore - No Chance in Hell
8 LOS ANGELES RAMS vs. Seattle - SteveO, Linda, CrimsonCrud, Howler
7 HOUSTON vs. Cleveland - Gordon, DB
5.5 TENNESSEE at Philadelphia - Evil O, MadDog, Buster Douglas, Atwater27, Meow, Not Gonna Happen, PDXileinOmaha
5 NEW ENGLAND vs. Buffalo (Thursday, unsuccessful) - Mojo
3 NEW YORK JETS at Minnesota - Annie B.
3 MIAMI at San Francisco - VegasBaby5
2.5 NEW YORK GIANTS vs. Washington - JC, Kosar19
2 LAS VEGAS vs. Los Angeles Chargers - Bad Picker
Nobody chose:
3.5 NEW ORLEANS at Tampa Bay (Monday; pick was still due today, 10:00 a.m. PST)
3 CHICAGO vs. Green Bay
2.5 CINCINNATI vs. Kansas City
1.5 PITTSBURGH at Atlanta
IMPORTANT NOTE: This post has been updated to reflect all picks received by the 10 a.m. deadline.
The latest standings? AquĆ. Have a great December Sunday, players!
UPDATE: Bad Picker scores a deuce with Da Raidas. Paul has the Colts tonight.
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