When the tent guys burn down your house

... rest assured that Portland fire commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty will acknowledge that it might possibly have happened, but you should feel sorry for the tent guys. And maybe you should have thought of that before you bought a house.

The cause of the fire that occurred last night in Overlook Park is undetermined, but we know the fire impacted a houseless encampment....

In the last year, Portland Fire & Rescue has visited every houseless encampment below the Overlook community to provide information and education on fire prevention and to inform people of the current open burning ban. They have also worked closely with businesses and residents to help them reduce the risk of wildfire and damage that could occur if they are impacted by a fire. 

What craziness.

"We’ve been here 16 years and we’re going to likely move. I’m involved with my church, I’m with the Overlook Neighborhood Association board, have been for quite some time. I’m a business owner, so I have a business here and it would be a lot for us to uproot but we have to," he said.

Incredibly sad. The folks running those spooky "People for Portland" ads on TV would do much more good if they could recruit some competent people to run for office.
