The absolute last thing we need
It was about as bizarre as it gets. Jaime Herrera-Beutler, the Republican congressperson from the 'Couv, had an out-of-state congressional colleague out from New York for a visit yesterday. But rather than have him see her get hooted and jeered at by her constutents – she's done things to alienate her Trumpy supporters, and the progressives already hated her – she paraded him over to the Portland 'burb of Fairview to hang out with cops and make speeches about how bad things are in Portland. Especially how we hate the police over here.
Herrera Beutler also said she came to Portland to try to fill a leadership void from the city’s elected leaders.
“That’s part of the problem,” she said. “It takes two of us who are not directly in Portland, coming here to highlight this to get this attention.”
I have a message for this lovely neighbor: Please keep your right-wing clown show out of Oregon. Nobody here gives a hoot about what you think about anything. Stay at home and try to patch things up with your Proud Boy buddies, who keep you in your cushy job. Thanks.
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