Put the first tent village on the Main Post Office property

It's an excellent idea, explored thoroughly here.

New’s argument is that the city should be using its own land for these sites, not putting the tents on private property, especially downtown. He says the Post Office site is fenced and has security cameras to prevent trespassers and campers, but has lain fallow—a swath of space that should be put to city use.

“All the while, downtown, Northwest Portland and Old Town continue to be camp sites, which undermines these areas’ ability to provide safe and secure passage for their intended purpose…access to employment and shopping…not to mention the inhumane environment created when the campers congregate along the freeway right of way and on sidewalks without access to public services,” New wrote. “Why is city-owned property insulated from the impact of this crisis at the expense of private sector property?”

The "vibrant" condo horse manure can wait until we have a viable city again. Dan Ryan, wise up and stand up to the developer weasels.
