Still quite an adventure

Signing up to get Covid vaccine in Oregon remains a royal pain. Maybe you should try scheduling somewhere an hour or two away from you.

The Oregon Health Authority has not allocated all of its vaccines evenly across counties. An analysis by The Oregonian/OregonLive found significantly more vaccine going to some counties per capita compared to others.

For instance, Marion County last week received 66% more doses for seniors per capita than the four-county area of Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington and Columbia. This week, it was 24% more.

The disparities have sent leagues of Portland-area seniors to Marion County, Polk County, central Oregon or even up north over the Columbia River to Washington state. Officials there say Oregonians who don’t work in Washington aren’t welcome, but in many cases no one is checking vaccine recipients’ residency status.

If you're unhappy with how poorly this is going, you are not alone.


  1. Actually, my processing through the Convention Center was pretty trouble free. My actually injection was painless. But that's nothing by my anecdotal experience.

    1. Once you get to the Convention Center, it's great. Getting booked, however, is bad.

  2. I got mine in Keizer. Easy peasy.


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