Protest in the 'Couv over Peterson killing

A couple of hundred people assembled yesterday afternoon at the site in Vancouver, Washington where Kevin Peterson was killed by police on October 29. Those assembled marched in the streets in the vicinity for a while before winding up back at the scene of the shooting, in the Hazel Dell part of town.

The march came a couple of days after the police did a Friday news dump of hundreds of pages of documents relating to the ongoing investigation into the killing. I wrote about that release of information here.

There were some counter-protesters on hand yesterday, and guns were shown on both sides. Despite some tense moments, things appear to have stayed nonviolent. The police did not appear to get involved.

In other protest news, last night a couple of dozen protesters taunted federal officers at the immigration jail in the South Waterfront district in Portland. From what I can gather, this is a nightly, or almost nightly, event. Some of the usual graffiti was spray painted onto the facility. The cops took the bait and arrested at least a half dozen of the protesters. A couple of ambulances were seen going in and out of the jail grounds. 

The Portland police didn't report getting involved, and the feds don't breathlessly announce the arrests in this situation, and so some of the details are sketchy. Justin Yau's and Suzette Smith's Twitter feeds have a fair amount of video, however.
