Election Porn 2020

One of the features on the old blog was to display and discuss the flyers that come in the mail around election time. They're revealing, provocative, and usually comical in some way or other.

As I resume my time in the blogosphere, here's the latest that showed up here at Blog Central – a glossy 8½-by-11-incher, two sided, from a candidate in the special election for Portland City Council. An August election – now, that's keeping it weird.

Smith is definitely on the anti-Trump bandwagon.

This is a common campaign technique in Portland. For a long time, whatever you were running for, even dog catcher, your flyer attacked Bush. Both of them, in succession. Now it's Trump.

It seems to me that Smith's opponent, Dan Ryan, would be tougher on the Portland cops than Smith would be. And at the moment, that's all I need to know. I'm voting for Ryan.

Another reason for this choice is Smith's reputation for being difficult to deal with personally. In her time on the county commission, she single-handedly reinstituted the "mean girl" atmosphere that had plagued the place back during my first blogging stint. To put Smith and the strident commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty on the same panel could be painful to watch, and it might not be too productive. 

Anyway, there's your election porn for the day. Trump bad, Loretta Smith good. She's fighting for our future. It doesn't say whom she's fighting. I hear it's the people she works with.
